Monday, April 03, 2006

Uranium Stock Market Caps (April 3)

Alberta Star Development (ASX.V)

Aldershot Resources Ltd. (ALZ.V)

Altius Minerals Corp. (ALS.V)

Azimut Exploration Inc. (AZM.V)

Bayswater Ventures (BVE.V)

Benton Resources Corp. (BTC.V)

Brilliant Mining Corp. (BMC.V)

Buck Lake Ventures Ltd. (BUC.V)


CanAlaska Ventures Limited (CVV.V)

Commander Resources Ltd. (CMD.V)

Consolidated Abaddon Resources Inc. (ABN.V)

Continental Precious Minerals Ltd. (CZQ.V)

Crescent Resources Corp. (CRC.V)

Crosshair Exploration (CXX.V)

Dejour Enterprises (DJE.V)

Denison Mines Inc. (DEN.TO)

East Asia Minerals Corp. (EAS.V)

El Nino Ventures Inc. (ELN.V)

Eloro Resources Ltd. (ELO.V)

Energy Metals Corp (EMC.V)

Equinox Resources Ltd. (EQN.TO)

Erdene Gold Inc. (ERD.TO)

ESO Uranium Corp. (ESO.V)

Firestone Ventures Inc. (FV.V)

Fortress Minerals Corp. (FST.V)

Forum Development Corp. (FDC.V)

Fronteer Development Group Inc. (FRG.TO)

Full Metal Minerals Ltd. (FMM.V)

Golden Valley Mines Ltd. (GZZ.V)

Gravity West Mining Corp. (GRW.V)

Hathor Exploration Ltd. (HAT.V)

High Plains Uranium, Inc. (HPU.TO)

Hornby Bay Exploration Ltd (HBE.V)

IGC Resources Inc. (IGC.V)

International Uranium Coporation (IUC.TO)

JNR Resources Inc. (JNN.V)

Kilgore Minerals Ltd. (KAU.V)

Laramide Resources Ltd. (LAM.V)

Logan Resources Ltd. (LGR.V)

Magnum Uranium Corp. (MM.V)

Mawson Resources Ltd. (MAW.V)

MAX Resource Corp. (MXR.V)

Mega Uranium, Inc. (MGA.V)

Mesa Uranium Inc. (MZU.V)

Mexivada Mining Corp. (MNV.V)

Monster Copper Corporation (MNS.V)

North American Gem Inc. (NAG.V)

Northern Continental Resources Inc. (NCR.V)

Northwestern Mineral Ventures Inc. (NWT.V)

Nova Uranium Corp. (NUC.V)

Paladin Resources Ltd (PDN.TO)

Pan African Mining Corp. (PAF.V)

Pathfinder Resources Ltd. (PHR.V)

Pele Mountain Resources Inc. (GEM.V)

Pioneer Metals Corp. (PSM.TO)

Pitchstone Exploration Ltd (PXP.TO)

Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (PTU.V)

Quattera Resources (QTA.V)

Rampart Ventures Ltd. (RPT.V)

Rare Earth Metals Corp. (REM.V)

Red Dragon Resources Corp. (DRA.V)

Rodinia Minerals Inc. (RM.V)

Santoy Resources Ltd. (SAN.V)

Sea Green Capital Corp. (SGS.V)

Signet Minerals Inc. (SGN.V)

Solex Resources Corp. (SOX.V)

Solitaire Minerals Corp. (SLT.V)

Standard Uranium Inc. (URN.V)

Starfire Minerals Inc. (SFR.V)

Strateco Resources Corp. (RSC.V)

Strategic Metals Ltd. (SMD.V)

Strathmore Minerals Corp. (STM.V)

Strongbow Exploration Inc. (SBW.V)

sxr Uranium One Inc (SXR.TO)

Thelon Ventures Ltd. (THV.V)

Titan Uranium Exploration (TUE.V)

Tournigan Gold Corporation (TVC.V)

Triex Minerals Corporation (TXM.V)

Twenty-Seven Capital Corp. (TSC.V)

UEX Corp. (UEX.TO)

UGL Enterprises Ltd. (UGS.V)

United Carina Resources Corp. (UCA.V)

Universal Uranium Ltd. (UUL.V)

Uranium City Resources Inc (UCR.V)

Uranium Participation Cooperation (U.TO)

Uranium Power Corp. (UPC.V)

Urasia Energy Ltd. (UUU.V)

Uravan Minerals Inc. (UVN.V)

Ur-Energy Inc. (URE.TO)

ValGold Resources Ltd. (VAL.V)

Vena Resources Inc. (VEM.V)

Waseco Resources Inc. (WRI.V)

Wescan Goldfields Inc. (WGF.V)

Western Prospector Group Ltd. (WNP.V)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Casey link is not working, thanks for the great posts either way!

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any reason for why you don't list ERA in your list of caps? And on the subject of ERA: do you have a reason for why ERA's stock performance has been so relatively unremarkable when compared to the other actually producing uranium companies?

6:50 AM  
Blogger Spelunca said...

plus the fact that ERA has alot of hedged contracts so they aren't taking advantage of the tremendous upswing in recent uranium oxide price. much like cameco, they are an established company who were forced to sign long term contracts with their customers to ensure a steady income when uranium oxide price was <$10

6:51 PM  

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